Tadich Grill Cioppino
Maybe it’s my love affair with San Francisco or my Italian heritage but whatever the reason, I LOVE cioppino. When dining out and seeing it on the menu, I will always order it, no questions asked. For this reason I have tried hundreds of varieties. Some are thin like soup, others thick and stew like, […]

Copycat Yumm Bowls
Here in Oregon we have this great, quick eats restaurant called Cafe Yumm. Their claim to fame is a dish called a Yumm Bowl which features their signature sauce, aptly named Yumm Sauce. If you’ve been around this blog much you can probably tell that I’m a sucker for comfort food. Comfort food gets a […]

White Beans & Ham
I was at a client’s house the other day consulting on a sunroom remodel when we both glanced outside to find that it was snowing…AGAIN! It’s been an uncommonly cold winter by Pacific Northwest standards and I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we are ready for spring! Growing up in […]

Chicken Tortilla Soup
We’ve been experiencing an unusually cold winter here in Oregon this year. Starting in December with back to back ice storms and then a January snow storm followed by another ice storm makes this native Californian long for a tropical vacation. Although I can’t jet off to Mexico any time soon I figured that I […]

White Chicken Chili
When we first moved to Oregon from California, this time of year would make me a little depressed. By May, in California the rain has ceased except for on very rare occasions. I have since learned to appreciate this time of year here. You see, I LOVE comfort food and what better excuse to make […]

Classic Italian Pasta E Fagioli
Let me preface this by saying that this is not an original recipe. It is however one of my family’s favorites and one that I get compliments on all the time. My mom’s family is Italian so I know what real Italian food should taste like and this is the real deal. The recipe […]